A myelogram is a type of fluoroscopy exam that produces detailed real-time images of the spinal cord and spinal column. The exam is sometimes performed when an MRI can not be performed or in addition to an MRI.

The exam is helpful in the diagnosis of problems like a herniated disc or to study tumors, infection, inflammation, and spinal lesions caused by disease or trauma. A myelogram also helps physicians evaluate a condition called spinal stenosis, in which the spinal canal narrows and surrounding tissues enlarge due to the development of bony spurs (osteophytes).ed.

What should I expect?

During the exam, contrast material is injected through a needle in your lower back into the space around the spinal cord, called the subarachnoid space. An X-ray device called a fluoroscope captures real-time images as the contrast material moves around the spinal cord and nerve roots.

In many cases, the myelogram is followed by a CT to better define abnormalities. This combination of studies is known as CT myelography.