BReaST MRI and abbreviated breast mri

Unlike mammography, which uses low-dose X-rays to image the breast, MRI uses powerful magnetic fields and radio waves to create images of the breast.

Biopsies may also be performed using breast MRI. MRI-guided breast biopsy is a fast, safe and easy way to find and biopsy breast abnormalities without putting women through unnecessary surgery. Our state-of-the-art breast MRI system optimizes patient comfort, reduces unnecessary movement during the exam, and produces superior images. It also offers improved access for biopsies.

What’s an Abbreviate Breast MRI?

“AB-MRI,” also called abbreviated MRI or fast MRI, is a shortened version of breast MRI that is designed to screen for additional breast cancers not seen on mammography.

AB-MRI detects biologically aggressive invasive cancers at early stages. The sensitivity of AB-MRI is comparable to that of conventional MRI.

What should I expect?

For a breast MRI exam, you will lie face down on the specially designed breast MRI table, which is configured to allow the breasts to be positioned comfortably through two openings called breast coils. Sometimes, patients are given a contrast material through IV, which improves viewing of the targeted area.

A Breast MRI without IV Contrast takes approximately 45 minutes. For a Breast MRI with IV contrast, expect the exam to take 45-50 minutes.