If your mammogram showed an abnormality in your breast, a breast biopsy may be your next step. This non-surgical procedure involves using a biopsy needle to remove a small sample of tissue from the area of concern. The results will help your physician determine if that suspicious-looking spot on the mammogram is going to need more attention.

Imaging-guided breast biopsy is often an excellent alternative to a surgical biopsy. Performed on an outpatient basis, the procedure is accurate, cost-effective (one-third the cost of surgery), does not require hospitalization or general anesthesia, and does not cause significant scarring.

What to expect?

With the guidance of breast-imaging technology, a specially trained radiologist will insert a thin, hollow breast-biopsy needle into the area of concern to remove a small sample of the suspicious tissue. A local anesthetic is applied to numb the area.

Depending on your mammogram results, the biopsy may be guided by stereotactic (X-ray) technology, ultrasound or MRI. A typical biopsy takes approximately one hour.

Following the biopsy, you should avoid strenuous exercise, heavy lifting, reaching, pulling or tugging for 48 hours. You will receive additional post-care instructions after the procedure.

Receiving your results.

Your biopsy results will generally be available from the pathology laboratory within 72 hours. Be sure to review the results with your physician.